Shot Through Time
Sergeant Noland Black, British grenadier, shot while returning from the Battle of Concord and Lexington, falls unconscious and awakes 200 years in the future in the same place and on the same date, but near an ongoing reenactment.
“A fun and often intriguing tale of a military man unstuck in time.” Kirkus Reviews of unedited manuscript.
All formats, hardback, softback, electronic, are also available on Amazon.com at regulare price.
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Hardback, Trade Paperback, and Digital versions available from Amazon and recently published Ingram, Trade Paperback version also available at all local bookstores.
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The Jack Hollister American Revolutionary War Thrillers

Battle of the Rim Reenactment at White’s Point, Machias River, Machias, Maine

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Locally, Modlin’s autographed books are available at the French Cellar in Machias, Maine; Ray’s Mustard Store, Eastport, Maine; Nelson Decoys, Jonesport, Maine; and BookStacks (across from Port ‘O Call) in Bucksport, Maine.